This week, Jason Domino reveals more about himself for Gay Star News. The full article can be found at
“Jason Domino; porn actor and sexual health campaigner; explains why he is on PrEP and why he wants NHS England to prescribe the medication to those at risk…”
The article was written amid the struggle to get the NHS fully offering PrEP to prevent HIV infections. Jason continues with his personal reasons for doing the work.
“I made my decision to take the medication after a scene I filmed with an HIV+ model. Although we used a condom, when I found out he was positive, I didn’t know what to think.
It highlighted to me that I needed to take ownership of my sexual protection. Back then I didn’t know that it’s almost impossible to catch HIV from someone with an undetectable viral load.”
Jason affirms readers that he remained negative, but the experience stayed with him.
“Condoms will not be a solution for everyone”
“Thankfully, sites like now exist where sources are accountable to group reporting and testing. is great for updates on all the news regarding PrEP in the UK.”
Jason found PrEP worked pretty soon after starting it. He states he’d had sex without a condom and later that same week, his sexual partner found out they had contracted HIV. Tests have a window period when they cannot detect recent infections. It was likely Jason was exposed to high levels of the HIV virus, and without the protection of his PrEP, he would be HIV positive today.
“Attempting to shame people who have sex without condoms is a failing strategy as HIV infection rates are increasing. HIV is a systemic problem and not isolated to an individual’s sexual health decisions. Fighting HIV needs a more comprehensive answer and can’t rely on individual’s last minute choices.”
Jason argues apart from possibly the Femidom, PrEP is the only protection against HIV for women that is fully within their own control: no negotiation for a partner to wear condoms is required.
In response to negative feedback the Daily Mail gave on PrEP, Jason replied that many escorts don’t feel their lives are the result of lifestyle choices. Easier PrEP access would simply reduce existing risks for them and their clients.
“The EU commission has licensed PrEP around Europe. It aims to join the US, Canada and other regions in becoming a pro-PrEP society.”
Jason then encouraged a constructive focus in future.”In a post-Brexit UK, we need to remind the government that even on the current purchasing deal, it is cheaper for the NHS to offer PrEP than have a patient require HIV treatment for the rest of their lives.”
The porn star then leaves a core message for the reader to take home:
“Preventing HIV infection saves funding over time. Co-infection rates of Hepatitis C are higher for people living with HIV, so cutting back on HIV infection also cuts back on Hep C – another beneficial side-effect of PrEP.”
“Prevention starts at home. If you are frequently having sex, consider having your Hepatitis A & B vaccinations. If you’re entitled to it, consider also having the latest HPV vaccination, as HPV can develop into cancer.”
“Test regularly; most other STI’s can be treated. Consider using protection. Part of your consideration should include PrEP.”
“Sensibly offering PrEP is an obvious option for us to drive down HIV infections.”
Jason Domino is a PrEP advocate, conference speaker, and international porn actor for film and stage. With an MA and BSc (HONS) Jason has now combined his education in art and science to campaign for better sexual health.