Performed by the Academy of Live and Recorded Arts and directed by Gareth Taylor, TrU-CArE was a verbatim play for the group’s MA project. Real people were interviewed around the topic of PrEP, which the actors would then reenact sections of, capturing aspects of their character’s personality.
The play is the result of stringing together many of these interviews. The loose plot explores and highlights pros and cons of the UK offering PrEP. Greg Owen, founder of I Want PrEP Now, was the main character, with the play recounting key moments in his personal history and investigating the perceived dualities in his character.
Jason Domino was interviewed by one of the actors, Luke Bailey. Luke performed segments of the interview as a monologue set during a simulated porn scene, discussing the need for chemical HIV protection for performers in the adult film industry.
The play was performed at 56 Dean Street on the first night. The following night was the Royal Vauxhall Tavern and the last night at the Wandsworth Oasis.